Let us begin with some interesting questions, like;
- What is Caliphate?
In brief, the caliphate is the State and Government in ISLAM. - What is ISLAM?
In brief, the submission to only God (ALLAH).
3. What is Submission to ALLAH (SWT)?
In terms of Caliphate, submission to ALLAH is submission to ALLAH (SWT) as Al-Malik (sovereign). Sovereignty belongs to him (ALLAH) only. To submit anyone else as a sovereign besides ALLAH is to say Goodbye to ALLAH in Islam. To submit in Islam is to submit to ALLAH as Al-Akbar. Al-Akbar means the one who has ‘supreme authority’. So to submit to ALLAH in Islam is to submit to ALLAH as supreme authority. And ALLAH (SWT) reminds us that he (ALLAH) is Al-Akbar, because every time we pray Salah (Namaz), we cannot move our body without saying ‘ALLAHUAKBAR’, meaning he is the only one who has ‘supreme authority’. Declaring anyone else as a ‘supreme authority’ besides ALLAH is to say Goodbye to ALLAH in Islam. Therefore, the Caliphate (Khilafat) is a state and government who submit to ALLAH (SWT) as a supreme authority. To submit to ALLAH as Al-Hakam, meaning ‘the law giver’. ALLAH (SWT) is not only who gives law, but also his law is supreme law. Caliphate in Islam means not only governing with the law of God almighty but also takes his law as a supreme law. When Allah (swt) makes something Haram, it must be enforced as Haram and when he makes something Halaal, it must be enforced as Halaal. Anyone who submits to any law other than Allah’s law as supreme law is to say Goodbye to Allah (swt) and in political terminology of Islam, it is called Shirk.
When Pharaoh (Phiroan) declared ‘ANNA RABBUKUMUL ALLAH’, meaning ‘I AM THE ONE WHO IS SOVEREIGN’ that is Shirk. And we all know Allah (swt) punished him terribly for his shirk. Thus, the Caliphate (Khilafat) is the system of government in which Muslims submit to Allah (swt) as Al-Malik, as Al-Akbar, as Al-Hakam.

The Jews have in theirs heart the conviction that it is theirs destiny even after Allah (swt) had expelled them from the Holy land (Jerusalem) for 2000 years, to liberate the Holy land (Jerusalem) and to return to the Holy land not as a tourist but to return to the Holy land to reclaim its their own. For 2000 years the Jews have this conviction in theirs heart that one day ‘we will return to the Holy land to reclaim it ours’ and restore a state of Israel in the Holy land believing that the ‘golden age’ will come back one more time as during the time of Daud (AS) and Suleiman (AS). Jews have believed that when this golden age will return, eventually Israel will be the ruling state in the world.
If this is to be accomplished, and the golden age of the Jews is to return for one more time and they are to rule the world then a very interesting question arises here that How they are going to do it?
For this they would need a globalization to bring all mankind to one global society and they need to demolish “THE OTTOMON ISLAMIC EMPIRE” and they have to demolish the institution of the Khilafat, which is the head of Islam. When you cut off the head then now you can paralyze the whole body. Therefore, the attack is now launched to cut off the supreme authority of God. It begins as a “Philosophical attack”, they used the term “Epistemology” which means “Knowledge comes only from external observation”. They used this to take mankind to materialism, that there is no reality beyond material reality and they used this “Philosophical term” to political form, and from this material philosophy emerges a new political philosophical, which says, since there is no reality beyond material reality, we can no longer collective recognise the ‘sovereignty of God’ because he is unseen, so the sovereignty must now relocated down here on the Earth, which means now people are sovereign, not God almighty. Thus, people constitute the state, so now state is a sovereign, this is a European creation. European didn’t only give the sovereign to state but the authority of a state is supreme and it is the state now which makes the law so the law of the state is the supreme law. In political Islam, it means what God almighty has made Haraam, now they can make it Halaal meaning legalising it. Europe went on making everything Halaal that the God (Allah) has made it Haraam. When they declared that the sovereignty belongs to them that were Shirk. When they declared in articles 24 and 25 in Charter of United Nation, that “the authority of security council of the United Nation is the vested with the supreme authority in the world that was Shirk. When they declared that the law of the secular state is the highest law that was Shirk. When they legalized what Allah made Haraam, that was a Shirk.
It’s mentioned in Surah At-Tauba of the Quran “ITTAKHAZOOO AHBAARAHUM WA RUHBAANAHUM ARBAABAMMIN DOONIL LAAHI WAL MASEEHAB NA MARYAMA WA MAAA UMIROOO ILLAA LIYA'BUDOOO ILAAHANW WAA HIDAN LAAA ILAAHA ILLAA HOO; SUBHAANAHOO 'AMMAA YUSHRIKOON” , meaning “THEY HAVE TAKEN THEIR RABBIS (JEWS) AND MONKS AS LORDS BESIDES ALLAH, AND (ALSO) THE MESSIAH, THE SON OF MARY. AND THEY WERE NOT COMMANDED EXCEPT TO WORSHIP ONE GOD (ALLAH); THERE IS NO DEITY EXCEPT HIM. EXALTED IS HE ABOVE WHATEVER THEY ASSOCIATE WITH HIM”. A man came to the prophet Muhammad (SAW) and said, “Oh messenger of Allah, the Christians do not worship their priests and the Jews do not worship their Rabbis, how can Allah says so?”, then the prophet Muhammad (SAW) replied, “Did they not made Halaal what Allah made Haraam, that’s their Shirk. Legalising something that Allah made Haraam, is known as Shirk too. So now I am asking to our Muslim brothers and sisters, when the priests make something halaal that God has made haram and it’s called Shirk, then if the government legalize something that God has made haram, would not it be considered as Shirk too? It would be definitely.

So what Europe did first is to launch the philosophical and political attack before the military attack to produce that which can replace the Caliphate (Khilafat) and then they sent their agents and spies to infiltrate Istanbul and to create the committee of Young Turks in whose group was located a man named Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and brainwashed them into absorbing and imbibing and accepting the new political secularism which emerged out of Europe. Then came the actual military attack in 1897 when Europeans dressed up themselves in the clothing of Jews remember the Europeans who were parading as Jews okay they call European Jews but they were essentially a Europeans, the dress up was only a camouflage. These people established a movement which known as ‘Zionist Movement’ and the stage was now set, the countdown has begun for the Jews to strike after waiting for almost 2,000 years they are now ready to strike to achieve their long-held objective of bringing back ‘The Golden Age’ centuries before this to execute, they had struck at Europe and over a period of almost three to four hundred years they had transformed Europe from a civilization based on faith in Christianity to a new essentially godless civilization. Having done that they are now ready to strike when they create the Zionist Movement Allah (swt) now unveils the mother of all signs for those who have eyes to see but most of mankind have eyes but they don’t see they have ears but they don’t hear they have hearts but they don’t understand. What is the sign? The sign is the recovery of the body of Pharaoh (Phiron), the body of Pharaoh is re-discovered just about the time that the Zionist movement is established and at the same time also strange thing happens to the European Jew. They were not just making money but a windfall of a massive amount of wealth now comes to theirs way. The hadith for this was that, “THE EARTH WILL YIELD IT’S TREASURES TO THE DAJJAL”.

Here comes a story about how Earth yields up its treasures to Dajjal. The story start from South Africa, a child was playing in a village in South Africa and this child the middle of the 19th century found a big stone glittering stone, child took it home showed it to the parents now parents took it to the chief of the tribe, chief of the tribe took it to the white commissioner, white commissioner sent it to Cape Town or Johannesburg one of these places to have it examined and promptly came to reply that this was a huge diamond. You think that was happened by an accident? No, it was a time to fulfil the hadith about Dajjal. Now the stage was set, when the diamond was discovered because now they know where the diamonds are located by this time Britain, the scientific and technological revolution has given to Britain in particular and Europe in general the technology to be able to locate underneath the earth in the interior of the earth the diamond veins and the technology which they used to mine for it down in the depths of the earth this technology which never existed before and so now the southern African region becomes a cluster of diamond and gold mines. Now you understand why Kimberley diamonds are world famous? Because it came from the same mine in South Africa. When the diamonds were discovered at Kimberley and in the surrounding areas it was the biggest discovery of diamonds in history.

Apparently, they gained control of the diamonds and the Rothschild family in Europe finances now the mining operations and the bulk of the wealth which now emerges out of South Africa land up in the hand of Jews. Then in 1914 the Kimberly mine was closed down because it had yielded all that they could yield the rest that now remain was just chicken feed. These diamonds were sold in the international market at the premium price because they cornered the market to consolidate the market and established a monopoly to ensure that the price would not come down. When Kimberly was closed down in 1914, the European Jews had a master the maximum wealth. At that period of time this is just about 17 years after the Zionist Movement was established within these 17 years Dajjal had delivered to the European Jew this massive windfall of wealth and so now they move to the next stage, the philosophical and political systems already in place and now the military attack started. They realized that, to destroy the ‘Islamic Caliphate (Khilafat)’, they will have to destroy the Ottoman Empire and you cannot destroy the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ with 5,000 Jews in an army, you need a ‘World War’ to destroy the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ so what they did was they planned a “Conspiracy” and stay behind the shadow so that theirs fingerprints are not in the crime. {For instance, September the 11th (9/11)}.

The attack took place in the summer of 1914 when the ‘Grand Duke Franz Ferdinand’ was assassinated in Sarajevo, which then become an immediate cause of “World War I”. In year 1914 there were six major powers in Europe, they were number one Russia, France, Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary and was number six the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’, No Turkey because it was yet the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’. These are the six major powers in the world. How one can bring about a “World War” which will result in the dismantling of the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ you have to do some good planning to do this. They conspire the assassination of ‘Grand Duke Franz Ferdinand’ and they left the footprints which led to Russia same as on September 11TH they led the footprints which led to Al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia. You know why they had put so many Saudi’s passports in the plane? The reason for this is, to attack the friendly relationship between the United States of America and the government of Saudi Arabia so that they can replace this with a new relationship of mistrust and hatred and enmity, in order to facilitate the Jews when they launch the big war to take control of the Saudi oil which is about to happen, this is why they put so many Saudis on board aeroplanes. The assassination of Grand Duke Franz Ferdinand (Heir-presumptive of Austria-Hungary) left the footprints which led to Russia and so Austria-Hungary had no option but to declare war on Russia but Britain and France already had a ‘defence treaty’ with Russia so Britain and France now had to declare a war in favour of Russia against Austria-Hungary but Germany has the same racial ties with Austria-Hungary. The Germany is now forced to enter in the war on the side of Austria-Hungary so they have succeeded whoever planned that assassination has succeeded in bringing all these powers now in Europe into a state of war all that is left now is the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’. The Khalifa (Leader) in Istanbul does not want to enter in the war because he knows how weak the Ottoman army is in terms of military technology but through internal intrigue with in Istanbul, the Ottoman Empire is forced into the war. Once the war started, that massive wealth which the Jews had accumulated is now going to be used strategically for the purpose of influencing the direction of the war to get the prize that the Jews want. What is that price? The price was to destroy the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ dismantle it and cut off the head of Islam namely destroy the Caliphate (Khilafat) that's the price they're after and the next price is to liberate the Holy Land (Jerusalem) and to get the Holy Land for themselves.

Between 1914 and 1916 German submarines now make a surprise appearance into warfare that the world has never seen before as Israel is also going to do the same when it launches a big war we're going to see weapons that the world has never seen before. Being introduced the German submarines into warfare when it entered into the war it tipped the scales on the side of Germany and by 1916 Britain was on the verge of defeat. German submarines had surrounded and maroon the island of Britain the French government had fallen and Germany occupied France and Britain was on unease. This is a moment that the Jews were waiting for now the money is going to talk; it's called a “Financial Diplomacy”. The German Jews went to the British government and said let's make a deal, we will intervene in the war with massive financial assistance to you and we will bring that dark horse i.e. USA into the war but USA didn't want to come into the war, because American public opinion was overwhelming against involvement in the war and the most famous American of all was not the president he was a man who established the assembly line for producing motor cars and his name was ‘Henry Ford’. He has become an American icon for American peoples and he was totally opposed to American involvement in the war but when the Jews went to the British government and say let's make a deal the British government agreed and made a deal and so the Jewish money now enters into the war in a massive way and Jewish influence over the media in the United States and now made to brainwashed an American public opinion, slowly and slowly transform the opinion of American public until suddenly to the consternation of Henry Ford and so many Americans Franklin Roosevelt declares war so in this way Jews manipulate the United States of America to enters into the war.


Britain with this new found wealth and with the assistance of the United States now has a new lease of life and the war now takes on a direction that the Jews wanted from the first place. It is in the 1916 that “British Spies (Secret agents)” were sent into Arabia posing as Muslims and they went to two leaders in Arabia - one was ‘Sharif Al-Hussein’ who was appointed by the leader (Khalifa) in Istanbul as the Sharif of the Hejaz Makkah and Madinah. Makkah was under the control of an Arab battalion but Medina was under the control of a Turkish battalion. So when the British spies went to ‘Sharif Al-Hussein’, they offered him a deal. What was the deal? The deal was they will liberate the land of the Ottoman Turks and we will give ‘Sharif Al-Hussein’ an independence and freedom and will make him the king of the Arabs, not a ‘Khalifa (Leader)’ but a King because there is a difference between a king and Khalifa in Islamic political language and they also prepared to offer him a Seven Million (7,000,000) pounds (Seven Million pounds at that time is what Bill Gates has now).

But in precisely this is what ‘Sharif Al-Hussein’ did and what all his descendants from that day to this day have been doing.
Sharif Hussein now accepts 7,000 million sterling pounds and enters into a military alliance with Britain and declares himself independent of the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’. Once the Caliphate (Khilafat) in Istanbul had lost the control of Makkah and Madinah and had lost control of the ‘Hajj’ , now they pull the carpet from underneath the feet of the leader (Khalifa), The ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ is now losing legitimacy. The British now calculated that if we can wrest control of the Haramein (Makkah) and the Hajj away from the leader (Khalifa) in Istanbul then the legitimacy of ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ will begin to crumble, this was in year 1916. The British spies then went to the second leader in the Arabian Peninsula. Why? Because if you want to destroy the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ (Khilafat), you have to make sure that it cannot be restored again. How British is going to do that, where they do not only demolish the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ but also make sure that it cannot be restored again. The answer is, they not only have to liberate the Haramein from the control of the Khalifa (leader) of Istanbul but they also have to put it in the control of those who will not themselves claim the Caliphate (Khilafat) and will not allow anyone else to claim the Khilafat (Caliphate) and so long as these people keep control of the Haramein and the Hajj, the ‘Ottoman Empire (Khilafat) can never be restored. So that was why they had to make the trip to Riyadh to meet ‘Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud’, but he did not control the Hejaz, so the British couldn’t command the check for 7 million pounds, had to be content with something less than that so what the British offered to him was, if you would sign the same kind of agreement with us and violate the specific command in the Quran and betray Allah (SWT) and his Messenger SAW, we would pay you five thousand (5,000) pounds per month and ‘Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud’ said “Yes”. In 1916, ‘Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud’ signed an agreement with Britain, which made of him a military ally with Britain. But when the “Ikhwan”, his military force questioned him how can you sign this agreement with Britain and how can you accept this money from Britain - five thousand pounds a month? ‘Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud’ says is, “They (indicating British) pay me Jizyah (Tax) ,because I control them”, It was just a dust in their eyes and they swallowed it and so if Abdul Aziz it miss out got away with it massive betrayal and a very dangerous plan is now in place as soon as the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ is destroyed and then ‘Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud’ will then attack and take control of the ‘Haramein’ and when once he does that he won’t make the mistake of ever claiming the Khilafat (Caliphate) for himself and he will never allow anyone else to claim because no one else can take the control of the Hejaz and the ‘Haramein’ from them because they are supported by Britain and so goodbye to the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ (Khilafat) and it can never be restored again as long as Britain and the United States of America underwrite the security of the Saudi state you can never restore the Khilafat.


Demolition By 1919 the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ was in shambles falling apart and a British Army under general Allenby with many Arabs and Punjabi Muslims fighting faithfully under his control attacked the Turkish garrison which was defending Jerusalem, defeated it and liberated the Holy Land (Jerusalem), this was a joyous day for the Jews because now the countdown is really moving forward and the golden age is coming back. In the same year 1919, when the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ is collapsing and it is losing all its Non-Turkish possessions, all the Arab parts of the ‘Ottoman Islamic Empire’ falling away.

The Greek army now invades the Turkish mainland - Anatolia and the Turkish people now have a tremendous fright in their hearts because the Greeks hate them. So Britain now has to create a Turkish general who would appear to the Turkish people as a Saviour who has come down from the heavens which is hands resting on the wings of angels to save the Turkish people and so at a place called Gallipoli, a man named ‘Mustafa Kemal’ (Atakurk) inflicts a defeat on the ruling state in the world - Britain and immediately climbs the ladder to become the hero of all heroes in Turkish history. Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) now takes over the de facto ruler over the Ottoman Empire. In 1920-21, there was a big treaty negotiations in Versailles and from this emerge now the “Turkish Republic”, which replaces the Ottoman Islamic state. Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) took the Khilafat and removes from it all political authority and makes the Khilafat, a showpiece. It was 1922 and things were going fine for him Turkish people were happy because the name Khilafat was still there and the leadership of the revolution in Turkey were very happy because we have a secular state now, a model after the European state but in 1924 on the 3rd of March suddenly, Britain demanded (of course this is a secret they wouldn't reveal it) of Mustafa Kemal that he must abolish the Khilafat, the demand came from Britain and on the 3rd of March 1924 the Turkish Republic abolished the Khilafat.

The question we have to ask is why did they do it when there was no need to do it nothing because it represented no threat whatsoever to the secular Turkish Republic. The answer for the abolition of the Caliph on the 3rd of March 1924 is located in a place – India.
When the attack on the Khilafat was taking place, the Indian Ulamas (Muslim Scholars), at that time the Indian Muslim community was one of the most influential Muslim communities in the world and the Indian Muslim community was led by leader who knew Islam and lived Islam. For instance, Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, Maulana Shaukat Ali, Maulana Sayed Suleiman Nadwi, Mufti Kefayatullah, men who knew Islam and lived Islam and they wanted to get rid of British imperial rule in India so that when they got rid of the British they could restore Islamic rule over Muslims that's all they wanted. And they realized that they could mobilize the Muslim masses of India over this issue of the Khilafat because everybody loved the Khilafat and so they establish a movement which they call the ‘Khilafat Movement’. When they establish the ‘Khilafat Movement’ in India and it began to mobilize the Muslim masses the body which was sleeping is now waking up for revolutionary struggle to preserve the Khilafat in Istanbul.

Subsequently the leader of the Hindus realized that the Muslims want the same thing that we want because Hindus also want to get rid of the British and we want to restore him to rule over the Hindus so there is a conversion of interest here. So then only Gandhi who later became known as ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ approached the leadership of the ‘Khilafat Movement’ and he said to them listen “The same thing you want the same thing I want so why don't we join forces will you allow me to join the ‘Khilafat Movement’?
And guess what the leadership of the Indian Muslims did. it was revolutionary theory on their part and we praise them for that they admitted and accepted the offer of Gandhi and they formed an alliance and so the ‘Khilafat Movement’ in India now became a Hindu Muslim Alliance, for the purpose of getting rid of British rule and then that would replace that with the Islamic rule over Muslims and Hindus rule over Hindus. This constituted the most dangerous of all threats that Western civilization have actually ever experienced in his entire period of colonization of mankind. Because the Western objective was to demolish every existing state structure in World and replace it with the secular state so that the eventually the secular state could be brought under the umbrella of a League of Nations and eventually a United Nations and this would be political globalization in the world. If the ‘Khilafat Movement’ were to succeed then one of the most important communities in the world the Indian Muslims would escape because when the British withdrew Muslims would be ruled by Islam and Hindus will be ruled by Hinduism.
{To be continue….}